
2HZS35 concrete mixing plant 0086 15849123978
發(fā)布者:doctorh  發(fā)布時間:2012-11-23 23:06:17
Our Concrete Mixing Plants are from 25m3 /hr to 240m3/hr, The main outsourcing parts are from the international and domestic famous brands: it adopts 
Our Concrete Mixing Plants are from 25m3 /hr to 240m3/hr, The main outsourcing parts are from the international and domestic famous brands: it adopts the Italy Bonfiglioli Brand planet gear speed reducer as the main drive which is of high driving efficiency, stable performance and strong over loading-resistance; The air cylinder may be the Hymig or Aritic Brand, steady performance and long life-span; The pneumatic components are the YSC and the Airtic ones low malfunction and reliable capability; It chooses the America Liebao brand with the big gas displacement and calm and trust running; the main electric parts are the Schneider components and the Germany Siemens PLC is chose for its reliable performance high producing efficiency. These components adopted can assure the stable great producing amount for concrete mixing plant in the locale. To meet different customers special need, we can add the Thermal Preservation System and Ice Cooling System.
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