
發(fā)布者:zhuokai  發(fā)布時間:2022-09-29 15:57:34
聯(lián)系人:張經(jīng)理  聯(lián)系電話:18859151762(微信同號)    QQ號:1994404299 

Mattson Technology CS11424 PMI Ceramic Chamber Ring Working Surplus

Mattson Technology M31-00000-00 Remote AC Cabinet 263-20414-00 299-18000-00 New

Mavilor Motors MA450.210.0101.00 Motor Assembly Varian 4080700 Refurbished

Maxon 2.5 5000 0 Shut-Off Valve

Maxon A-Max Motor U01050 C with Sensor HEDL-5540 A01 (lot of 2)

Maxon Motor 119248 Servo Motor Nikon 2S602-142 NRM-3100 Working Surplus

Maxon Motor 135836 DC Motor 4S602-275 Nikon NSR-S204B Step-and-Repeat Used

Maxon Motor 135836 DC Motor 4S602-275 Nikon NSR-S205C Used Working

Maxon Motor 137489 DC Motor Reseller Lot of 3 New Surplus

Maxon Motor 232842 Servo Motor A-max Nikon 4S602-385 NSR-S205C Working Surplus

Maxon Motor 240401 DC Motor Novellus Harmonic Drive 76-176794-00 No Plug Spare

Maxon Motor 240401 DC Motor Novellus Harmonic Drive 76-176794-00 Working Surplus

Maxon Motor 252720 Servo Motor RET-MOT Nikon 4S602-490 NSR-S620D ArF Used

Maxon Motor 283588 DC Motor 4S602-433 NSR FX-601F Working Surplus

Maxon Motor 350269

MAXON Motor 432902 1343050 NEW

Maxon Motor M091292 DC Motor Lot of 2

MAXON MOTOR M091292 Lot of 6 DC Motors

Maxon Motor Model 273850

Maxon Motors 356681 New lot of 2

Maxon Motors HEDS-5540 Optical Encoder Bio-Rad 2233R024S74 Quaestor Q7 Working

Mayr EAS 2/400.405.5S Kupplung H3117325 2/400 G156

mayr ROBA-DS 16/952.290 RO106122 Kupplung 722/18

Mayr ROBA-DS 25/952.220 RD103399 V1E

Mayr ROBA-ES 24/940.000.A Kupplung W5108084 5/19

Mayr ROBA-RN 1/135.121 Kupplung ROBA-RN G158

mayr ROBA-stop Bremse 3/804.412.3 EO102140 27V 17W 3Nm F268/20

MBC PC6422 14075 Digital I/O PCB Card PIO-24 Equipe 64200 Rev. B Used Working

McDaniel Controls 0-300 PSI 316 SS Tube and Socket Gauge LOT OF 2

McDaniel Controls -30-0 PSI Gauge HG 316 SS Tube and Socket LOT of 5

McGill CF 7/8 SB Cam Follower


McLean Engineering UES17H115S29 Fan Tray AMAT 0190-70066 P5000 Working Surplus

MCSI 68800901 CPU PCB Brooks BL 200 Used Working

MD Absperrklappe Butterfly Valve BFC200 PN16 DN100. CAST IRON NN/20

MDA Scientific 856000 Exhaust Gas Monitor EGM Used

MDC 110022 Blank Flange 4-5/80D NR NEW Tokyo Electron 028-014803-1 Lot of 4

MDC 723000 Stainless Steel Degree Elbow Lot of 6 *Unused*

MDC Vacuum Products 307000-11 Gate Valve KGV-625V-P-11 Assembly 410 39 70 New

MDC Vacuum Products 311081 Pneumatic Angle Valve HV Series LAV-600-PAA Used

MDC Vacuum Products 313029-10 Angle Valve AV-150M-P-10 Novellus 27-199823-00 New

MDC Vacuum Products 313029-10 Angle Valve Kit AV-150M-P-10 AMAT 0246-08723 New

MDC Vacuum Products 313029-10 Angle Valve Kit AV-150M-P-10 AMAT 3870-03520 New

MDC Vacuum Products ASA Straight Reducer Nipple Adapter 200ASA to NW50 Used

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