
上架日期:2015-05-05 20:05:37




    福州卓凱電子科技有限公司    選擇卓凱 選擇程工 選擇成功!









    P0700KK FBM17C Term Cable, Direct, (Contact/0.5 A)

    P0700KL FBM17B Term Cable, Direct, (V. Mon/10 mA)

    P0700KM FBM17D Term Cable, Direct, (Contact/10 mA)

    P0700KN FBM17C Term Cable, Wire, (Contact/0.5 A)

    P0700KP FBM17B Term Cable, Wire, (V. Mon/10 mA)

    P0700KQ FBM17D Term Cable, Wire, (Contact/10 mA)

    P0700KR FBM17C Term Cable, Plug, (Contact/0.5 A)

    P0700KS FBM17B Term Cable, Plug, (V. Mon/10 mA)

    P0700KT FBM17D Term Cable, Plug, (Contact/10 mA)

    P0700MB Wide Range Pwr Module 3, Factor Enclosures

    P0700MJ FBM19 0-50 mA Input

    P0700QS COVER

    P0700QV FBM20 240 Vac Input

    P0700SA FBM07B/12B Term Cable, Plug, (Contact)

    P0700SB FBM20/21 Term Cable (240 V ac), Plug

    P0700SC FBM09C/14C Term Cable, Plug, (Contact/0.5 A)

    P0700SD FBM09B/14B Term Cable, Plug, (V. Mon/10 mA)

    P0700SE FBM09D/14D Term Cable, Plug, (Contact/10 mA)

    P0700SR FBM19 Term Cable, Direct

    P0700SS FBM19 Term Cable, Wire

    P0700ST FBM19 Term Cable, Plug

    P0700TJ WP I/O Terminator

    P0700TT FBM18 Term Cable, Wire

    P0700TU FBM18 Term Cable, Direct

    P0700TV FBM18 Term Cable, Plug

    P0700TW FBM21 240 Vac Input Expander

    P0700WB Nodebus Extender

    P0700ZA Printhead For Dot-Matrix Printer 80/132, Color

    P0700ZB Printhead For Dot-Matrix Printer 80, B/W

    P0700ZC Color Copier

    P0700ZU Color Ink-Jet Printer - 120 Vac

    P0700ZV Color Ink-Jet Printer - 220 Vac

    P0711CT Status Cable (FBM MS)

    P0711CU Memory Battery Backup And Status Cable (FBM MS)

    P08 1 x 8 Mounting Structure

    P080000000 1 x 8 Mounting Structure

    P0800AA RS232 (AP10) Peripheral Cable

    P0800AC RS232 Printer Cable, 40 Feet

    P0800AQ Single Floppy Cable (Workstation/Pedestal Mtg)

    P0800AS Single SCSI Cable (Modular Workstation)

    P0800AT Dual Floppy Cable (Workstation/Pedestal Mtg)

    P0800AU Dual SCSI Cable (Modular Workstation)

    P0800AV RS232 Modem Cable, 40 Feet

    P0800AZ RS232 Peripheral Cable

    P0800BA External Backup Battery And Status Tap

    P0800CA Video Cable (WP10), 10 Ft

    P0800CB WP GCIO (WS), 10 Feet

    P0800CC WP I/O CRT Extension Cable, 100 Feet

    P0800CE WP GCIO (Split), 10 Feet

    P0800CF WP I/O Keyboard Cable, 6 Feet (Uncoiled)

    P0800CG WP I/O Keyboard Cable, 6 Feet (Coiled)

    P0800DA CP30/40FT Fieldbus Termination Block Cable

    P0800DB CP10 Fieldbus/Term Block Cable

    P0800DC Fieldbus Isolator/Term Block Cable

    P0800DD Fieldbus Isolator/Term Cable, Factory Enclosure

    P0800DG Fieldbus Ext Cable - MS Upper, 2 Feet

    P0800DJ Fieldbus Extension Cable - Factory Enclosure, 3 Ft

    P0800DS PC Fieldbus/Term Block Cable

    P0800DV Fieldbus Ext Cable - MS Lower, 2 Feet

    P0800DY Fieldbus Ext Cable - MS Upper, 10 Feet

    P0800DZ Fieldbus Ext Cable - MS Lower, 10 Feet

    P0800EA SPECTRUM Interface Cable

    P0800EB Nodebus Interface Cable, 6 Feet

    P0800EC Nodebus - A Extension Cable, 2 Ft

    P0800ED Nodebus - B Extension Cable, 2 Ft

    P0800EE Nodebus - A Extension Cable, 10 Ft

    P0800EG Nodebus - B Extension Cable, 10 Ft

    P0800ES CP Local Fieldbus Enable Jumper

    P0800FB Video Extension (WP 20,25,&30), 100 Feet

    P0800FH Video Extension (CRT-CRT), 100 Feet

    P0800FJ Line Cord, 240 Vac

    P0800FK RS232 VT100 Cable, 40 Feet

    P0800FZ Power Connector

    P0800GA Allen-Bradley Data Highway Gateway Cable

    P0800GB Allen-Bradley MAP Cable

    P0800GC SPECTRUM Master Gateway Cable

    P0800GE 760/761 Gateway Cable

    P0800GG X.25 Gateway Cable

    P0800GH CABLE

    P0800GJ Cable, Letterbug

    P0800GK Cable, MTTI Mouse/Trackball

    P0800GL Cable, MTTI - Touchscreen Controller, 21 Inches

    P0800GM Cable, MTTI - Touchscreen Controller, 19 Inches

    P0800GP Cable, MTTI-TLL

    P0800HK Cable, MTTI Alphanumeric 19-Inch

    P0800HL Cable, MTTI Mouse/Trackball

    P0800HM Cable, Letterbug

    P0800HN Harness, Pwr CRT

    P0800HP 760/761 Gateway Cable (To Device)

    P0800HQ Fieldbus Extender Cable, Local Enclosure (6 Feet)

    P0800HR Mouse/Trackball Extension Cable

    P0800HS Workstation Bay CRT Cable

    P0800HW Power Cord - Workstation Mounted CRT

    P0800HX WP GCIO Extension (WP20 & 25), 500 Feet

    P0800HY Video Extension (WP20,25,&30), 500 Feet

    P0800JM Sealed CRT Line Cord - 120 Vac

    P0800JN Sealed CRT Line Cord - 240 Vac

    P0800JP Power Cable, International (Long)

    P0800JR Power Cable, USA

    P0800JS Power Cable, International (Short)

    P0800JT Power Cable, USA

    P0800KC Power Cable, dc

    P0800KD Carrierband LAN Cable Assembly

    P0800KE Nodebus Extender XPE/BLKHD Cable

    P0800KH FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/.5 A), Direct

    P0800KJ FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/10 mA), Direct

    P0800KK FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/.5 A), Wire

    P0800KL FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/10 mA), Wire

    P0800KM FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/.5 A), Plug

    P0800KN FBM29/30 Term Cable (Contact/10 mA), Plug

    P0800KR ABDH Cable (To 1771-KF), 20 Feet

    P0800KS ABDH Cable (To 1770-KF2), 20 Feet

    P0800KT ABDH Cable (To 1779-KFL), 20 Feet

    P0800KU ABDH Cable (To 1779-KFL), 40 Feet

    P0800KV 760/761 Instrument Gateway Cable

    P0800LJ Cable, Impedence

    P0800LT Power Cable, SA In

    P0800MK Cable, MTTI Mouse/Keyboard

    P0800MW GCIO Cable, Coiled

    P0800MX GCIO Cable (Modular Keyboard, In)

    P0800MY GCIO Cable (Modular Keyboard, Out)

    P0900CP Auto/Manual Station

    P0900DB SCSI Bus Terminator

    P0900DN Display Panel (1 Keyboard)

    P0900DQ 19-Inch WS Display w/TS (Workstation Mtg)

    P0900DR 19-Inch Workstation Display (For Workstation Mtg)

    P0900DS 13-Inch WS Display w/TS (Workstation Mtg)

    P0900DT 13-Inch Workstation Display (For Workstation Mtg)

    P0900DU Streamer Tape Drive (SCSI), For Workstation Mtg

    P0900DV 80 Mb Hard Disk Drive (SCSI), For Workstation Mtg

    P0900DX Floppy Disk Drive (AP10), For Workstation Mtg

    P0900DY Floppy Disk Drive (AP20), For Workstation Mtg

    P0900EA Wide Range Pwr Module 1 - Ped Encl 8 Peripherals

    P0900ED Floppy Disk Drive (AP10), Pedestal Mounted

    P0900EE Floppy Disk Drive (AP20), Pedestal Mounted

    P0900EF 80 Mb Hard Disk (SCSI), Pedestal Mounted

    P0900EG Hard Disk 20 Mb (Panel)

    P0900ES Letterbug Character " 0 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900ET Letterbug Character " 1 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EU Letterbug Character " 2 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EV Letterbug Character " 3 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EW Letterbug Character " 4 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EX Letterbug Character " 5 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EY Letterbug Character " 6 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900EZ Letterbug Character " 7 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FA Letterbug Character " 8 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FB Letterbug Character " 9 " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FC Letterbug Character " A " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FD Letterbug Character " B " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FE Letterbug Character " C " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FF Letterbug Character " D " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FG Letterbug Character " E " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FH Letterbug Character " F " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FJ Letterbug Character " G " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FK Letterbug Character " H " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FL Letterbug Character " I " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FM Letterbug Character " J " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FN Letterbug Character " K " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FP Letterbug Character " L " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FQ Letterbug Character " M " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FR Letterbug Character " N " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FS Letterbug Character " O " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FT Letterbug Character " P " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FU Letterbug Character " Q " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FV Letterbug Character " R " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FW Letterbug Character " S " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FX Letterbug Character " T " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FY Letterbug Character " U " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900FZ Letterbug Character " V " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GA Letterbug Character " W " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GB Letterbug Character " X " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GC Letterbug Character " Y " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GD Letterbug Character " Z " (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GE Letterbug Character "." (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GF Letterbug Character ":" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GG Letterbug Character "+" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GH Letterbug Character "-" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GJ Letterbug Character "/" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GK Letterbug Character "*" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GL Letterbug Character "#" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900GM Letterbug Character "Blank" (Tube Of 10)

    P0900HJ Output Bypass Station, 0-20 mA

    P0900HK Carrierband Interface

    P0900HL Allen-Bradley DH Gateway

    P0900HN SPECTRUM Master Gateway

    P0900HP Command Center Gateway

    P0900HQ 760/761 Gateway

    P0900HS FBM22 Auto/Manual Station

    P0900HT FBM24 Contact/dc Input

    P0900HU FBM26 Contact/dc I/O

    P0900HV PC Nodebus Connection

    P0900HX FBM22 Term Cable, Direct

    P0900HY FBM24A/25A Term Cable, Direct, (V. Mon)

    P0900HZ FBM26A/27A Term Cable, Direct, (V. Mon)

    P0900JB FBM22 Term Cable, Wire

    P0900JC FBM24A/25A Term Cable, Wire, (V. Mon)

    P0900JD FBM26A/27A Term Cable, Wire, (V. Mon)

    P0900JE LAN 2-Port Passive Tap

    P0900JF Carrierband LAN Terminator

    P0900JG Carrierband LAN Drop Cable, 50 Feet

    P0900JH Carrierband LAN Drop Cable, 100 Feet

    P0900JJ Nodebus Extension Module/Term Block Cable

    P0900JL FBM22 Term Cable, Plug

    P0900JM FBM24A/25A Term Cable, Plug, (V. Mon)

    P0900JN FBM26A/27A Term Cable, Plug, (V. Mon)

    P0900KA Modular Workstation 10

    P0900KB Modular Workstation 20

    P0900KC Modular Workstation 30

    P0900KD Modular Workstation 40

    P0900KE Modular Workstation 50

    P0900KF Modular Workstation 60

    P0900KG Modular Workstation 70

    P0900KH Modular Workstation 80

    P0900KJ Modular Workstation 90

    P0900KK Modular Workstation 100

    P0900KL Modular Workstation 110

    P0900KM Modular Workstation 120

    P0900KN Modular Workstation 130


    P0900MA WS (No Display Panel, Swivel/Cover, End Cap)

    P0900MC Left Side

    P0900MD Base

    P0900ME Front Structure

    P0900MF Rear Structure

    P0900MG Top Structure

    P0900MH Center Structure

    P0900ML Right Workstation End Cap

    P0900MM Left Workstation End Cap

    P0900MN Base End Cap

    P0900MP Display Panel (Plain)

    P0900MQ Display Panel (13-Inch CRT)

    P0900MR Display Panel (2 Keyboards)

    P0900MS Mouse Port Cover

    P0900MT Wedge (Front Panel)

    P0900MU Trim Work Surface

    P0900MV Work Surface

    P0900MW Top Structure Swivel

    P0900MX Top Structure Plain CoV(No CRT)

    P0900NT Carrierband Interface

    P0900NV X.25 Gateway

    P0900NW Panel Display Processor 10

    P0900NX FBM25 Contact/dc Input Expander

    P0900NY FBM27 Contact/dc I/O Expander

    P0900NZ Panel Mounted Display

    P0900PZ AP10 - RS232 Terminator

    P0900QA Wide Range Pwr Module 1 - Ped Encl 8 Peripherals

    P0900QK Wide Range Pwr Module 2, Ped Encl 8 Peripherals

    P0900QL Wide Range Pwr Module 2, Ped Encl 8 Peripherals

    P0900RJ Wedge Display Surface (Plain)

    P0900RK Wedge Display Surface (Peripherals)

    P0900RL Wedge Work Surface

    P0900RM Wedge (Rear Cover)

    P0900RN ac Junction Box Cover

    P0900RU I/A Series Small System 1

    P0900RY CONT PWA T/S

    P0900SA Optical Diskette

    P0900SV Upper Rear Cover

    P0900SW Disk Drive Bezel (1 Slot)

    P0900SX Disk Drive Bezel (2 Slot)

    P0900TB 13-Inch Hardened Workstation Display

    P0900TE 13-Inch Hardened Workstation Display w/TS

    P0900TH 19-Inch Hardened Workstation Display

    P0900TL 19-Inch Hardened Workstation Display w/TS

    P0900TP Video Ext Cable (WP20/Hardened Display), 100 Ft

    P0900TQ Video Ext Cable (WP20/Hardened Display), 500 Ft

    P0900TR WP I/O Cable (WP20/Hardened Display), 100 Feet

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