福州卓凱電子科技有限公司 選擇卓凱 選擇程工 選擇成功!
P0961FR Control Processor 60 (CP60) Module
P0961FX Control Processor 60 Simplex Module
P0970BC Dual Nodebus Interface Module (DNBI)
P0970BM DNBI AUI Cable, Internal
P0970BP DNBI RS423 Cable, Internal
P0970BV RS423 Cable, 10 Ft
P0970BW RS423 Cable, 50 Ft
P0970BX RS423 Cable, 150 Ft
P0970DF Rear Structure
P0970DG Lower Rear Cover
P0970EJ Dual Nodebus Extended Module (DNBX)
P0970GW RS423 Cable (DTE)
P0970HH Workstation (No Disp Panel, Swivel/Cover, End Cap)
P0970HS RS423 Cable, 100 Ft
P0970HT Panel To GCIO Cable
P0970HV RS423 Cable (GCIO)
P0970HX Touchscreen Cable, 2039, 20E01
P0970JB 424 Mb Hard Disk
P0970JD 1.3 Gb Hard Disk
P0970JE 644 Mb CD-ROM, Enclosure Mounted
P0970JG 5.0 Gb Streaming Tape, Enclosure Mounted
P0970JR 50 Series SCSI Cable, 22 Inches
P0970JW 424 Mb Hard Disk With AP50 SW
P0970JZ 1.3 Gb Hard Disk With AP50 SW
P0970KE RS423 Cable, DNBI To 50 Processor, 6 Ft
P0970KF 50 Series SCSI Cable, 52 Inches
P0970KG 50 Series SCSI Cable, Single Wedge
P0970KH 50 Series SCSI Cable, Wedge To Wedge
P0970KJ 50 Series SCSI Cable, Dual Wedge
P0970KT 150 Mb Streaming Tape, Enclosure Mounted
P0970KU 644 Mb CD-ROM, Workstation Mounted
P0970KV 150 Mb Streaming Tape, Workstation Mounted
P0970KW 5.0 Gb Streaming Tape, Workstation Mounted
P0970LJ IEEE 802.3 Transceiver Assembly w/Bracket
P0970LK AUI Cable, 3 Ft
P0970LW Keyboard Cable, 6 Ft
P0970MM 50 Series GCIO Interface With TS
P0970MN 50 Series GCIO Interface Without TS
P0970MU MIW Keyboard/Video Cable, 50 Ft
P0970MV MIW Keyboard/Video Cable, 100 Ft
P0970MY Tabletop Keyboard/Video Cable, 50 Ft
P0970MZ Tabletop Keyboard/Video Cable, 100 Ft
P0970NG Trackball
P0951ET Panel Kit For Custom Mtg Of Multi SCB16 To FBC10
P0951EW FBC02 Thermocouple/mV Card, 32 Channels
P0951FJ Term Cable Assy For FBC02 RTD Conn 1066mm (42 In)
P0951FK Term Cable Assy For FBC02 RTD Conn 2362mm (93 In)
P0951FL Term Cable Assy For Ring Lug 1066mm (42 Inches)
P0951FM Term Cable Assy For Ring Lug 2362mm (93 Inches)
P0951FN Term Cable Assy w/Ring Lugs For FBC02 (1066mm)
P0951FP Term Cable Assy w/Ring Lugs For FBC02 (2362mm)
P0951GG IPM26 Chassis Power Supply, 120/240 Vac
P0951GP PDU Assembly
P0951GQ Enclosure w/Horizontal DIN Rails
P0951GR Fan Assembly, 120 Vac
P0951GS Fan Assembly, 220 Vac
P0951SD Fast SCSI & Twisted Pair 10/100Mbs Ethernet Card Kit
P0951SE ATM 155 Mbs Fiber Cable Card Kit
P0951SF ATM 155 Mbs Twisted Pair Cable Card Kit
P0960AH Fault-Tolerant Z Module Connector
P0960AW Control Processor 30 (CP30) Module
P0960GC Workstation Processor 30 (WP30)
P0960GX Video Isolator
P0960HA Communications Processor 30
P0960JA Control Processor 40 (CP40) Module
P0960KA Carrierband Interface
P0960MA MODBUS Plus Integrator Module
P0960MK MODBUS Plus Integrator Cable
P0960NB I/A Fieldbus Card For AW70 Integrator
P0961AA Nodebus Extender (Fiber Optic)
P0961BC Control Processor 40 Style B Module
P0961BD Communications Processor 30 Style B
P0961BS Fault Tolerant ZA Bus Connector
P0961CA Fiber Optic Carrierband LAN Interface
P0961CN Fiber Optic Splitter Combiner
P0961CP Active Concentrator
P0961DH 4 Port Passive Star
P0961DK 8 Port Passive Star
P0961DM Fiber Drop Cable (15 Meter)
P0961DN Fiber Drop Cable (30 Meter)
P0961DW Tray, Lower, MIW Bay
P0961EF Control Processor 30 Style B Module
P0961EG Control Processor 50 (CP50) Module