1.用途:HW混流泵為臥式,單級,單吸,渦殼式混流泵。適用于輸送清水或物理,化學性質類似于水的其它液體。被輸送液體溫度不宜高于50度。廣泛用于農田灌溉,工業(yè)和城市排水等多種場合。HW泵的性能范圍:流量90-9000m3/h 揚程3.5-22m。
2. 特點:結構簡單,使用可靠,裝修方便,而且效率高,體型小,重量輕。jdhuiquan4.9
3. 傳動方式:用直接傳動和變速傳動。常用動力機是電動機和柴油機。訂貨 時應明確動力機的型號,以便確定聯(lián)軸器和皮帶輪的型號
8------------設計揚程 m
The relevant parts may be replaced as appropriate to troubleshoot. And if the pump damage is very serious, there is no repair conditions on the way, you can put the pump into, outlet pipe directly on, in order to make full use of the natural circulation of hot and cold water temporarily so that the engine to maintain a normal temperature; or use an inner tube or bucket as a container to secure it firmly, and then draw two hoses from the container, One is connected to the inlet of the engine and the other to the outlet of the engine, and the other end of the two tubes is inserted into the container. Secondly, the hose should be fixed firmly. If only the pump shell produces cracks and leaks, the cracks can be treated clean, and then glued with adhesives. For emergency use, egg cleaning and cement can be mixed into sticky groups applied to the cracks, after a few minutes of solidification can be used. Also, the construction machinery driving or operation process, the water seal leakage of the pump is also a common thing. As long as there is no damage to the hydrosphere or swelling debation, the spring force of the water seal is insufficient or broken and other faults.
1.HW型泵主要有泵蓋,葉輪,泵體,泵軸,軸套,及軸承體等主要零件組成。 泵蓋分別與泵體和進水管相接。2.泵蓋平面與葉輪平面之間應有適當間隙。間隙過小會產生摩擦,間隙過大,會導致泵體內的壓力水大量回流,是泵的效率降低。實際使用的適宜間隙為0.3-0.7mm,間隙可用增減紙墊厚度來調整。
Pumps According to the type can be divided into: cleaning pumps, sewage pumps, chemical pumps. Cleaning pumps are commonly used in centrifugal pumps, multistage pumps, submersible pumps. Sewage pump can be divided into diving type, self-suction type and so on, the so-called chemical pump, is the medium is strong acid strong alkali or corrosive, and so on. The above is a simple classification of pumps. According to the above classification, we next detailed debion of the pump selection Method! The first step: to find out the properties of the medium, if it is water, then use the cleaning pump, but also consider whether the pump is placed in the liquid operation, if it is placed in the liquid inside the operation, then we choose the submersible cleaning pump. If the medium is sewage, then we choose the sewage pump, but also consider whether the pump is operating in the medium. If it is smoked, strong acid then we choose chemical pumps, such as: diaphragm pump, screw pump, FRP pump and so on. Step two: Find out the flow of the pump we need (how much water to hit in one hours), the head (that is, how much water needs to be hit).
1、 使用工況:流量、揚程、漿體濃度及比重、粒徑、吸入形式、傳動方式等;
2、 配套電視:型號、主要技術參數、防護等級、生產廠家等;
3、 其它配套項目:如泵的備件、專用工具、調速裝置等;
4、 其它特殊要求。