硅酸鋁纖維毯產(chǎn)品簡介: Brief 硅酸鋁纖維毯是選用優(yōu)質(zhì)的天然焦寶石或合成料為原材料,經(jīng)電阻爐熔甩絲成纖,雙面針刺加強,纖維相互勾織,高溫加熱定型而成的柔性毯狀制品。 Silicate Aluminum (ceramic) refrac-tory fiber needled blankets are lightweight insulation products made from high qual-ity Jiaobao stone or synthetic materials, which are weaved symmetrically using strengthened fiber and melted in resis-tance furnace, mechanically double-sides needled and high temperature bed for strength and surface integrity. 產(chǎn)品品種: The type of the products 普通、標準、高純、高鋁、含鋯型硅酸鋁(陶瓷)耐火纖維針刺毯。 Common(TD),standard(STD),high-purity(HP),High-Aluminum(HA),Zirconium-contained(ZA) refractory fiber needled blankets., 產(chǎn)品特性: Advantage 抗熱震,耐侵蝕; High resistance to thermal shock, excel-lent resistance to chemical attack.. 優(yōu)良的隔音性能及抗折性能; High resistance to thermal shock,excel-lent lent resistance to chemical attak. 優(yōu)良的隔熱性能及低導熱系數(shù); Excellent heat resistance and low thermal conductivity. 高溫狀態(tài)下纖維回彈強,收縮??; High resilience and low shrinkage at high temperature. 便于加工安裝,不含任何添加劑。 Easy to install and process and without any chemical additive. 應用范圍: Application range 各種熱工裝備的絕熱保溫; Heat insulation for high temperature equipments; 各種工業(yè)窯爐、鍋爐、石化裂解爐的內(nèi)襯; Lining for industrial furnaces, boil-ers of power indrstry and cracking furnaces of oil chemical industry. 熱力管道絕熱保溫、高層建筑隔熱保溫、吸音、防火; Heat insulation for high temperature pipelines and heat insrlation, fire proof and acoustic absorption for high building. 其它行業(yè)深加工制品的原料。 Raw materials for deep processed products of other industries.