4xI 0/3xV
The Reyrolle 7SR17 Rho is a numeric protection relay with four current bs and optionally three voltage bs. The relay is applied to motors and their connections providing an integrated protection system.
The relay is typically used as a stand-alone device but can be supplied with an external unit to interface with remote temperature detectors bded in the motor or installed on auxiliary equipment.
The Reyrolle 7SR17 Rho relay includes thermal protection optimised for motor applications and motor starting supervision algorithms. Several other protections are also provided and are selectable as required so that a solution appropriate to the installation can be achieved.
The Reyrolle 7SR17 Rho is housed in an E4 case.
Full user configurability and integrate logic allows the optimal configuration of relay b and output functionality.
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Protection Functions
Supervision Functions
Monitoring Functions
Main Features
4xI, 3/6xU
The market for power capacitors is continually growing due to the expanding power network driven by increased customer demand. Power capacitors improve the perbance, quality and efficiency of the system and minimize power loss. The Reyrolle 7SR191 Capa protection relay is designed with all of the necessary functionality for use on shunt connected distribution capacitor banks arranged in all of the common connection configurations:
The Reyrolle 7SR191 Capa is a numerical protection device with a highly comprehensive functional software package which includes a range of integral application functions aimed at reducing installation, commissioning, wiring and engineering time.
Product homepage - downloads from the internet (catalogs, certificates, firmware, manuals,...)
Protection functions