鞏義 杏殼活性炭就才優(yōu)質果核殼為原料,以最佳的生產(chǎn)工藝精制而成。產(chǎn)品吸附力強,不含對人體有害的可溶性有機物或無機物。此產(chǎn)品廣泛用于集團和家用凈水器,飲水機及電廠、石油化工等水處理工程中,杏殼活性炭,采用炭化、活化、過熱,蒸氣崔化等工藝精制而成,外觀為黑色不定型顆粒,經(jīng)系列生產(chǎn)工藝加工而成的一種活性炭。果殼活性炭被廣泛應用于飲用水、工業(yè)用水和廢水的深度凈化生活、工業(yè)水質凈化及氣相吸附,如電廠、石化、煉油廠、食品飲料、制糖制酒、醫(yī)藥、電子、養(yǎng)魚、海運等行業(yè)水質凈化處理,能有效吸附水中的游離氯、酚、硫和其它有機污染特,特別是致突變物(THM)的前驅物質,達到凈化除雜去異味。還可用于工業(yè)尾氣凈化、氣體脫硫、石油催化重整,氣體分離、變壓吸附、空氣干燥、食品保鮮、防毒面具、解媒載體,工業(yè)溶劑過濾、脫色、提純等。各種氣體的分離、提純、凈化;有機溶劑回收;制糖、味精、醫(yī)藥、酒類、飲料的脫色、除臭、精制;貴重金屬提煉;化學工業(yè)中的催化劑及催化劑載體。產(chǎn)品更具脫色、提純、除雜、除臭、去異味、載體、凈化回收等
Hongyu shell activated carbon plant Wenxian Profile: apricot shell activated carbon is made of high quality shell, peach shell, walnut shell, shell and other shell dates as raw materials, carbonization, activation, thermal, steam and other process of refining Choi, appearance of the black particles are not stereotypes, the series production of a processing of the activated carbon. Activated carbon is widely used in drinking water, industrial water and waste water purification of the depth of life, industrial water purification and gas adsorption, such as power plants, petrochemical, refinery, food and beverages, sugar liquor, medicine, electronics, fish farming, sea water purification and other industries, the effective absorption of water, free chlorine, phenol, sulfur, and other characteristics of organic pollution, in particular mutagens (THM) are the precursors to purify the impurity to smell. Can also be used for industrial exhaust gas purification, gas desulfurization, catalytic rebing of petroleum, gas separation, pressure swing adsorption, air drying, food preservation, gas masks, media carrier solution, industrial solvent filtration, decolorization, purification and so on. A variety of gas separation, purification, purify; organic solvent recovery; sugar, monosodium glutamate, medicine, alcohol, beverages bleaching, deodorizing, refining; precious bl refining; chemical industry catalyst and catalyst support. Products more bleaching, purification, cleaning, deodorizing, to smell, support, purification and recovery, etc.
碘 值> 900mg/g容 重0.45-0.55g/cm3比表面積大≥1000m2/g干燥堿量≤10%總 容 積≥0.9cm3/g強 度>88%笨吸附率≥450mg/ PH 值≈7水 份》5%
鞏義思源活性炭廠 炭做專業(yè)的 才是安全的 更信賴的 聯(lián)系人:韓炳亮1367692014