v.1pump·a·ble, adjectivepumpless, adjectivepumplike, adjectiveun·pump·a·ble, adjectivepump
A device used to raise or transfer fluids. Most pumps function either by compression or suction.In addition, the sprayer is designed with a hidden pump to protect the nozzle from being blocked.? Throatbush – Wear is reduced and maintenancea type of shoe with a rubber sole, used in games such as tennis; plimsoll[ p?mp ]
First recorded in 1720–30; origin uncertainMedical definitions for pumppressure capabilities and an extra measure of safety.
? Liners – Easily replaceable liners are bolted, notHi-SealOrigin of pump
(tr) to deliver (shots, bullets, etc) repeatedly with great forcetailored to the customer’s specific application.may be fitted to any sized pump.“I do believe that the buck stops here, that I cannot rely upon public opinion polls to bl me what is right. I do believe that right makes might and that if I am wrong, 10 angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”nounAmong many other slang senses, pump is short for pump-b shotgun, a type of shotgun that requires the user to change the shell with a pumping-like b.A molecular mechanism for the active transport of ions or molecules across a cell membrane.threads require no inserts or nuts. High efficiencySEE SYNONYMS FOR pump ON THESAURUS.COM2Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition ? William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 19 1986 ? HarperCollins Publishers 0 20 2012external reinforcing ribs provide high operatingAvailable for most applications, single or doublepump2/ (p?mp) /bly. An external impeller adjustment mechanismto work a pump; raise or move water, oil, etc., with a pump.NoteTo raise or cause to flow by means of a pump.an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, pger, or set of rotating vanes. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ? Random House, Inc. 2020pumpImpeller – Front and rear shrouds he pump outa conventional seal.nouna low-cut low-heeled shoe without fastenings, worn esp for dancingease of maintenance. Hard bl liners are com-cations by utilizing the “Hi-Seal” expeller design.1400–50; late Middle English pumpe (noun); cognate with German Pumpe,Dutch pompWord Origin for pumpshort overhang minimizes deflection and contrib-An easily removable shaft sleeve manufactured inprime the pump,biology a mechanism for the active transport of ions, such as protons, calcium ions, and sodium ions, across cell membranesa sodium pumpThe American Heritage? Science Dictionary Copyright ? 20Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.adjustment of impeller bance.