A14FRRL, A14FRR, A14F A14R, A14L,A38FRRL, A38FRR, A38F, A38R, A38L, A12FRRL, A12FRR, A12F A12R, A12L,A01FRRL, A01FRR, A01F A01R, A01L空氣過濾減壓閥,意大利API空氣過濾減壓閥
Series of modular units with the following standard features :
- Regulators with relieving valve
- Filters standard with 25 μ cartridge
- Filters with semi-automatic condense drain
- Cup with protection
The gauges are to be ordered separaby; for gauges see from
page 3.50.1
For mounting accessories, assembling kits and spare parts see
from page 3.5.1
How to order: A14FRR5TM