直轄市: 北京 上海 天津 重慶
河北: 石家莊 唐山 秦皇島 邯鄲 邢臺 保定 張家口 承德 滄州 廊坊 衡水山西: 太原 大同 陽泉 長治 晉城 朔州 晉中 運(yùn)城忻州 臨汾 呂梁
內(nèi)蒙古: 呼和浩特 包頭 烏海 赤峰 通遼 鄂爾多斯 呼倫貝爾 巴彥淖爾 烏蘭察布 興安 錫林郭勒 阿拉善
遼寧: 沈陽 大連 鞍山 撫順 本溪 丹東 錦州 營口 阜新 遼陽 盤錦 鐵嶺 朝陽 葫蘆島
吉林: 長春 吉林 四平 遼源 通化 白山 松原 白城 延邊
黑龍江: 哈爾濱 齊齊哈爾 雞西 鶴崗 雙鴨山 大慶 伊春 佳木斯 七臺河 牡丹江 黑河 綏化 大興安嶺
江蘇: 南京 無錫 徐州 常州 蘇州 南通 連云港 淮安 鹽城 揚(yáng)州 鎮(zhèn)江 泰州 宿遷
浙江: 杭州 寧波 溫州 嘉興 湖州 紹興 金華 衢州 舟山 臺州 麗水
安徽: 合肥 蕪湖 蚌埠 淮南 馬鞍山 淮北 銅陵 安慶 黃山 滁州 阜陽 宿州 巢湖 六安 亳州 池州 宣城
福建: 福州 廈門 莆田 三明 泉州 漳州 南平 龍巖 寧德
江西: 南昌 景德鎮(zhèn) 萍鄉(xiāng) 九江 新余 鷹潭 贛州 吉安 宜春 撫州 上饒
山東: 濟(jì)南 青島 淄博 棗莊 東營 煙臺 濰坊 威海 濟(jì)寧 泰安 日照 萊蕪 臨沂 德州 聊城 濱州 菏澤
河南: 鄭州 開封 洛陽 平頂山 焦作 鶴壁 新鄉(xiāng) 安陽 濮陽 許昌 漯河 三門峽 南陽 商丘 信陽 周口 駐馬店
湖北: 武漢 黃石 襄樊 十堰 荊州 宜昌 荊門 鄂州 孝感 黃岡 咸寧 隨州 恩施
湖南: 長沙 株洲 湘潭 衡陽 邵陽 岳陽 常德 張家界 益陽 郴州 永州 懷化 婁底 湘西
廣東: 廣州 深圳 珠海 汕頭 韶關(guān) 佛山 江門 湛江 茂名 肇慶 惠州 梅州 汕尾 河源 陽江 清遠(yuǎn) 東莞 中山 潮州 揭陽云浮
廣西: 南寧 柳州 桂林 梧州 北海 防城港 欽州 貴港 玉林 百色 賀州 河池 來賓 崇左
海南: ???三亞
四川: 成都 自貢 攀枝花 瀘州 德陽 綿陽 廣元 遂寧 內(nèi)江 樂山 南充 宜賓 廣安 達(dá)州 眉山 雅安 巴中 資陽 阿壩 甘孜涼山
貴州: 貴陽 六盤水 遵義 安順 銅仁 畢節(jié) 黔西南 黔東南 黔南
云南: 昆明 曲靖 玉溪 保山 昭通 麗江 普洱 臨滄 文山 紅河 西雙版納 楚雄 大理 德宏 怒江 迪慶
西藏: 拉薩 昌都 山南 日喀則 那曲 阿里 林芝
陜西: 西安 銅川 寶雞 咸陽 渭南 延安 漢中 榆林 安康 商洛
甘肅: 蘭州 嘉峪關(guān) 金昌 白銀 天水 武威 張掖 平?jīng)?酒泉 慶陽 定西 隴南 臨夏 甘南
青海: 西寧 海東 海北 黃南 海南 果洛 玉樹 海西
寧夏: 銀川 石嘴山 吳忠 固原 中衛(wèi)
新疆: 烏魯木齊 克拉瑪依 吐魯番 哈密 和田 阿克蘇 喀什 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜 巴音郭楞蒙古 昌吉 博爾塔拉蒙古 伊犁哈薩克塔城 阿勒泰
港澳臺: 香港 澳門 臺灣型號現(xiàn)貨以上全部都是我公司現(xiàn)貨低價(jià)好談 NTE-207-CBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-207-CONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-207-LBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 24VDC Brake
NTE-207-LONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors
NTE-207-TBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-207-TONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-212-CBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-212-CONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-212-LBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 24VDC Brake, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-212-LONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-212-TBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-212-TONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-320-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24DC Brake
NTE-320-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-320-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-320-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-320-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-320-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-330-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-330-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-330-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-330-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-330-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-330-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-345-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-345-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-345-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-345-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-345-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-345-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-355-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-355-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-355-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-355-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTE-355-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTE-355-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, English Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-207-CBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.3 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-207-CONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-207-LBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.3 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-207-LONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-207-TBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.3 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-207-TONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 7.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-212-CBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-212-CONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-212-LBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-212-LONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-212-TBNS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-212-TONS-0000 NT 2" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 12.5 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 meter leads, 5000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-320-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-320-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-320-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-320-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-320-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-320-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 20 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-330-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-330-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-330-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-330-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-330-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-330-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 32 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 4000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-345-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-345-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-345-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-345-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-345-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-345-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 47 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-355-CBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-355-CONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-355-LBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-355-LONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, 1 Meter Leads without Connectors, 3000 RPM Max Speed
NTM-355-TBNS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed, 24VDC Brake
NTM-355-TONS-0000 NT 3" Servo Motor, Metric Mounting Flange, 56 lb-in Cont. Torque, 240Vac, MS Connectors on 1 Meter Leads, 3000 RPM Max Speed
OAC-24-G4 AC b module for use w/ XIOR-32 (12-140 Vac, 3 amps)
ODC-24-G4 DC output module for use w/ XIOR-32 (5-60 VDC 3 amps)
OIT-3165-A00 Operator Interface Panel, 2 Line by 20 Character LCD Display, 24 key keypad
P200-00-000 Servo Encoder Daughter Board (with Registration b) for MC Controller
P210-00-000 Servo Resolver Daughter Board (with Registration b) for MC Controller
P220-00-000 Reference Encoder Daughter Board (2Meg max rate) for MC Controller
P230-00-000 Stepper Daughter Board (step/direction, boost, enable output) for MC Controller
P240-00-000 Stepper Encoder Daughter Board for MC Controller
P242-00-000 Hardware PSWITCH Daughter Board (4 x 1us output) for MC Controller
P260-00-000 Analog Output Daughter Board(12bit +/-10Vdc) for MC Controller
P270-00-000 SSI Servo Encoder Daughter Board for MC Controller
P280-00-000 Differential Stepper Daughter Board for MC Controller
P290-00-000 CAN Daughter Board for MC Controller
P291-00-000 SERCOS Daughter Board for MC Controller, 2 Axis Enabled
P292-00-000 3 Axes SLM Interface Daughter Board for MC Controller
P295-00-000 USB Daughter Board, for use between MC Controller and PC fitted with USB port
P296-00-000 Ethernet Daughter Board for MC Controller
P297-00-000 Profibus Daughter Board for MC Controller
P300-00-000 MC224 Axis Expander
P315-00-000 16 channel, 24v digital I/O in a single DIN-rail unit. CANBus connection. CAN 16-I/O (bi-directional)
P325-00-000 8 channel, ±10v Analogue Input Channels in a single DIN-rail unit. CANBus Connection. CAN 8 Analogue Inputs (12bit single-ended)
P349-00-000 Serial to RS485 Adapter (MC202 port 1 only)
P350-00-000 RS232 Serial Cable from PC to MC Controller, 2 meter Length, 9 pin to mini-DIN
P351-00-000 USB 5m Serial Cable from PC to MC Controller
P354-00-000 Mini-Din to Flying Lead Serial Cable 10 ft
P355-00-000 2 Way System Ribbon, Required if one MC224 axis expansion are used (2 bays total)
P360-00-000 3 Way System Ribbon, Required if two MC224 axis expansion are used (3 bays total)
P365-00-000 4 Way System Ribbon, Required if three MC224 axis expansion are used (4 bays total)
P390-00-000 Enable Code for 1 additional MC206 Servo Axis. Serial number is required if this option is not purchased before shipment.
P393-00-000 Enable Code for 1 additional MC-206 Reference Encoder Axis. Serial number is required if this option is not purchased before shipment.
P395-00-000 Enable Code for 1 additional MC-206 Differential Stepper Axis. Serial number is required if this option is not purchased before shipment.
P398-00-000 Memory Stick (MC206 & MC224)
P399-00-000 MC206 Daughter Adapter Board, required when installing a daughter board in a MC206
PBCONN Industry standard Profibus connector
PBC-xxx Bulk Profibus 2 Wire - RS485 Cable, Cut flat on both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
PCM-11 Programmable Motion Controller
PCM-14 Slip Compensation Controller
PCM-15 Ratio Controller
PCM-16 Phase Synchronization Controller
PCM-17 Random Infeed Controller
PCM-18 Web Speed Controller
PCM-19 Conveyor Controller
PCM-22 Rotary Knife Synchronization Controller
PCM-22Q Phase Synchronization w/ Queuing Controller
PCM-23 Electronic Camming Controller