***代理-高透明PCTG、、、、高透明PCTG、、、、高透明PCTG、、、、 PCTG可成型管材或各種型材,其制品透明、堅硬、光澤好,受壓不泛白,符合環(huán)保要求,同時符合美國FDA食品接觸標準,廣泛應(yīng)用于建筑裝飾及材料.PCTG改善傳統(tǒng)聚酯飲料瓶韌性低的不足,特別適合制造大容量厚壁透明容器,不易***碎,高度透明,易于表面修飾,可以應(yīng)用于食品及***制品等領(lǐng)域.PCTG具有很寬的加工范圍,機械強度高并具有優(yōu)異的柔性,比PVC透明度高,光澤好,容易印刷并且具有環(huán)保優(yōu)勢;正是因為它具有的突出特性使其能在板、片材領(lǐng)域能很好的加之利用.PCTG憑借著光澤度良好(玻璃一樣的透明度),耐沖擊,耐化學(xué)腐蝕,易加工以及能夠產(chǎn)生獨特外觀、形狀和特殊效果,如:鮮亮的顏色、大理石紋理、磨砂、金屬光澤等而很好的被用于制造香水瓶和瓶蓋、口紅管、化妝盒、化妝品瓶和瓶蓋、爽身粉瓶、除臭劑包裝和眼線筆套等.
PCTG is a non-crystalline copolyester transparent material with high optical properties, low turbidity and High Guanze surface. Its transmittance is much better than PC's, about 92% , widely used in many fields, such as sheet, plate, shrink film and other types of products. PCTG has outstanding properties such as thermal bing, weather resistance, chemical resistance, tenacity, environmental protection, simple processing and so on The toughness of PCTG is about 15 to 20 times stronger than acrylic board, and it is easier to process, but it is inferior to PC board PCTG with high transparency and excellent impact resistance is particularly suitable for bing thick-walled transparent products. At the same time, when using PCTG materials to make plates, it is not necessary to dry them in hot-bing process, if the PCTG plate is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it can b a protective layer that is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, depending on whether the PCTG plate contains an ultraviolet absorbent. Oh, Shit