![]() I-1B系列濃漿泵是單螺桿式容積回轉泵,該泵利用偏心單螺旋的螺桿在雙螺旋襯套內的轉動,使?jié)鉂{液沿螺旋槽由吸入口推移至排出口,實現泵的輸送功能。結構材質型式:
I-1B型濃漿泵:殼體鑄鐵,傳動件為一般鋼材,適用于一般中性濃漿液輸送。 I-1B型濃漿泵:傳動件(主軸、螺桿和繞軸)為不銹鋼制造,適用于一般微酸、堿漿液輸送。 I-1B型濃漿泵:傳動件和接角漿液的泵殼均由不銹鋼制造,適用于食品、制藥及腐蝕性漿液的輸送。 橡膠襯套有一般耐磨橡膠,食品用橡膠和耐油橡膠供用戶選擇。 傳動方式有電機與泵軸直接傳動,電機經減速機與泵直接傳動和電機經三角皮帶輪與泵軸傳動供用戶選購。 配用電動機有一般封閉式、防爆式和電磁調速式電機。 Summary
The stud pump is that one kind of one stud type is lost the stud bush ( calling the stator ) that fortune pump and stud ( calling the rotor ) and interior surface that its major work parts are partiality spirochaetas assume the bifilar helix face . His work principle is when being moving when the electromotor drives the pump axle , and on the one hand the stud winds the axis of itself and revolves , on the other hand its again surface roll along the bush , so bing the close cavity room of pump . The stud is one week per revolution , and liquid in the close cavity pushes on forward a pitch . Along with the continuous transmission of stud , the shape b of liquid with the spiral is pressed to another close cavity from a close cavity , and finally crowds out the pump aspect. The stud pump is the machinery of one kind of new transport liquid , and possesses that the structure is simple and work is safe and reliable and use to keep in repair convenient and goes out the merits such as liquid is continuously even and pressure is stable etc . The dense thick liquid pump of my unit production contacts altogether the bl part that the thing is expected all chooses the high quality not to become rusty the acidproof steel is made , axle material 2cr13 lines and tin uses nonpoisonous tasbess rubber and work temperature 100 ℃s attainability , available in the transport foodstuff thick liquids and the viscosity 10000 moors this calorie of contains second solid anything small and roundish or glue piece the solution thick liquid , the corrosiveness medium of suspension liquid . Extensively in the Ministry of Industry such as foodstuff , bllurgy , building , pharmacy and chemical industry etc the doors Please paying attention to : The medium difference that the stud pump uses should use the different rubber . 濃漿泵產品結構示意圖
![]() 濃漿泵使用范圍: 濃漿泵廣泛應用于化工、制藥、釀造、造紙、食品等單位。 1.濃漿泵可輸送高濃度高粘度(<10000PaS)及含有顆粒的懸浮漿液。 2.濃漿泵輸送液流穩(wěn)定,無過流、脈動及攪拌、剪切漿液現象。 3.濃漿泵排出壓力與轉速無關,低流量也可保持高的排出壓力。 4.濃漿泵流量與轉速成正比,通過變速機構或高速電機可實現流量調節(jié)。 5.濃漿泵自吸能力強,液體流向由泵的旋轉方向來改變,適用于管道需反、正向沖洗的場合。 6.濃漿泵運轉平穩(wěn)、振動、噪聲小。 7.濃漿泵結構簡單、拆裝、維修方便。 螺桿泵(濃漿泵)是一種新型的輸送液體的機械,具有結構簡單、工作安全可靠、使用維修方便、出液連續(xù)均勻、壓力穩(wěn)定等優(yōu)點。我單位生產的濃漿泵凡接觸物料的金屬零件均選用優(yōu)質耐酸不銹鋼制作,襯筒采用無毒無味的橡膠、工作溫度可達120℃,可用于輸送食品漿料和粘度10000泊斯卡·秒含有固體顆?;蚰z塊的溶液漿,懸浮液的腐蝕性介質。廣泛用于食品、冶金、化工、印染、造紙、陶瓷等工業(yè)部門。