In 1956, in the heart of Carate Brianza (Milan), the company Elettromeccanica Giordano Colombo S.r.l. was established from Giordano Colombo, an enterpreneur with a deep passion for the application research. Nowadays Elettromeccanica GIORDANO COLOMBO s.r.l. is one of the main world-wide manufacturers of electric spindles, high frequency motors and birotating heads for working wood, plastic, glass, aluminium and light alloy.
Starting from the early days of foundation, each GC activity was achieved considering research and building of a reliable and high quality product as the final aim. Even today, after 50 years, the password is the same: absolute quality.
In order to ensure and guarantee this quality GC chooses and continues to choose to realize all the components and the main working procedures inside the Company, using high-technology machineries, CNC machining centres, N/C grinders and lathes. This allows to follow the birth and the achievement of each product step by step, checking constantly and carefully each production cycle.