簡要說明:日本新田NITTA MOORE 氣管、接頭一級代理!特價出售N5-4-6×4 6×4 1.1 20 17,公司大量庫存
日本新田NITTA MOORE 氣管、接頭一級代理!
福州福飛自動化設(shè)備有限公司 倪瑞剛
Tel: (..86)-591-83772693
Fax: (..86)-591-83772769QQ:365066771
N5-4-4×2 4×2 1.8 10 11N5-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 1.2 15 8N5-4-4×3 4×3 0.7 6N5-4-6×4 6×4 1.1 20 17N5-4-6×4.5 6×4.5 13N5-4-8×6 8×6 0.7 2335N5-4-10×7.5 10×7.5 35N5-4-10×8 10×8 0.6 2945N5-4-12×9 12×9 0.7 51N5-4-16×13 16×13 0.6 100 70N5-4-4×3 4×3 0.7 6N5-4-6×4 6×4 1.1 20 17N5-4-6×4.5 6×4.5 13N5-4-8×6 8×6 0.7 23N5-4-4×2 4×2 1.8 10 11N5-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 1.2 15 835N5-4-10×7.5 10×7.5 35N5-4-10×8 10×8 0.6 2945N5-4-12×9 12×9 0.7 51N5-4-16×13 16×13 0.6 100 70Inch size type (Group 1)Outer diameter Max. Min.× working bending WeightType Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)°(mm) (MPa at20 C) (mm)N5-1-3/16 4.76×3.48 16.0 9.0N5-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 23.0 16.0N5-1-5/16 7.94×5.90 0.8 23.029.0N5-1-3/8 9.53×6.9935.0N5-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 45.0 58.0× working bending WeightType Black Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) BK-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 10 9(Air)-4-6×4 6×4 15 191.2-4-8×5 8×5 23 36(Water)-4-10×6.5 10×6.5 30 530.9-4-12×8 12×8 35 73× working bending WeType Inner diameter pressure radius(g(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)-3.5×2 3.5×2 7-4×2.5 4×2.5 0.4 10-6×4 6×4 15tandard length0M, 100M roduct number example5 - 4 - 6×4 - BK - 100MOuter diameter Max. Min. St× working bending WeightType Bla Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) B●Inch size type (Group 1)Outer diameter Max. Min. Sta× working bending WeightType Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)°(mm) (MPa at20 C) (mm)N5-1-3/16 4.76×3.48 16.0 9.0N5-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 23.0 16.0N5-1-5/16 7.94×5.90 0.8 23.029.0N5-1-3/8 9.53×6.9935.0N5-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 45.0 58.0Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard color (color symbol)× working bending WeightType Black Milky white Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) BK MWN1-4-6×4 6×4 5.0 20.0 17.0N1-4-8×6 8×6 3.3 30.0 23.0●Inch size type (Group 1)Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard color (color symbol)× working bending WeightType Black Milky white Inner diameter pressure radius (g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) BK MWN1-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 4.0 23.0 16.0Standard length20M, 100MProduct number exampleN1 - 4 - 6×4 - BK - 100MStandard length (20M, 100M)Tube color symbolSize (millimeter: outer × inner, inch: outer)Group (4: millimeter, 1: inch)Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard color (color symbol)× working bending WeightType Translucent Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) CWHTES-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 1.8 15 9TES-4-6×4 6×4 1.8 20 18TES-4-8×6 8×6 1.6 35 26TES-4-10×8 10×8 1.1 50 33Inch size type is available on request. Contact us for details.Standard length20M, 100MProduct number exampleTES - 4 - 6×4 - BK - 100MStandard length (20M, 100M)Tube color symbolSize (millimeter: outer × inner)Group (4: millimeter)Tube name
Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard × working bending WeightType Black White Yellow Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) BKWH YLFS-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 10 101.0FS-4-6×4 6×4 15 21FS-4-8×5 8×5 1.2 15 40FS-4-8×5.5 8×5.5 0.9 20 36FS-4-10×6.5 10×6.5 1.0 20 60FS-4-10×7 10×7 0.9 25 55FS-4-12×8 12×8 1.0 30 82FS-4-12×8.5 12×8.5 0.9 30 77FS-4-16×12 16×12 0.7 80 106Inner tube Outer cover SMax. Min.Outer diameter working bending WeightType× Cover pressure radius(g/m) Black Inner diameter thickness (MPa at20°C) (mm)(mm)Inner tube BKFW-4-6×4 6×4 1.0 1.0 14 49FW-4-8×6 8×6 1.0 23 65FW-4-10×7.5 10×7.5 1.0 0.8 27 89BlackFW-4-12×9 12×9 1.0 31 116Millimeter size type (Group 4)Inner tube Outer cover Standard color (color symbol)Max. Min.Outer diameter working bending Weight Outer coverType ×Cover pressure radius Light Greenish(g/m) Black Red Blue Green Yellow Pink Inner diameter green whitethickness (MPa at20°C) (mm)(mm) Inner tube BK RE BU GN YL LGN PKGWHFWU-4-6×4 6×4 1.0 14 500.9FWU-4-8×5 8×5 1.0 20 73FWU-4-10×6.5 10×6.5 1.0 30 98Black0.6FWU-4-12×8 12×8 1.0 35 126 Caution Before using FWU tubes, peel off outer covers. Use Nitta Moore’s special cutter (TC02, TC03) to peel off covers.Standard length20M, 100M FW-4-16x12: 50M onlyUE-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 10 1090UE-4-6×4 6×4 15 2080UE-4-8×5 8×5 0.8 23 39 7060UE-4-10×6.5 10×6.5 30 5750UE-4-12×8 12×8 35 7940Outer diameter Max. Min.× working bending WeightType Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)PB-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 25 14PB-1-3/8 9.53×6.99 1.1 30 30PB-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 40 50Outer diameter Max. Min. S× working bending WeightType Bl Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) BPL-4-4×2 4×2 1.5 15 10PL-4-6×4 6×4 1.0 25 15PL-4-8×6 8×6 35 200.7PL-4-10×7.5 10×7.5 3045PL-4-10×8 10×8 0.5 25PL-4-12×9 12×9 0.7 55 45●Inch size type (Group 1)Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard color (colo× working bendingWeight Milky Type Black Red Blue Inner diameter pressure radius white(g/m)°(mm) (MPa at20 C) (mm) BKMW RE BUPL-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 30 14PL-1-3/8 9.53×6.99 0.7 40 30PL-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 55 50●Inch size type (Group 5)StanOuter diameter Max. Min.(col× working bending WeightOuter Type Mil Inner diameter pressure radiusdiameter (g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)PL-5-3.18×23.18×2 1/8 0.9 74Outer diameter Max. Min. S× working bending Weight MType Inner diameter pressure radius w(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)PN-4-3×2 3×2PN-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 10 7PN-4-6×4 6×4 140.7 20PN-4-8×5 8×5 28PN-4-10×6.5 10×6.5 30 41PN-4-12×8 12×8 40 57Standard length20M, 100MProduct number examplePN - 4 - 6×4 - MW - 100MOuter diameter Max. Min.× working bending WeightType Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)TA-4-3×2 3×2 1.5 20 8.5TA-4-4×2 4×2 2.5 25 20TA-4-4×3 4×3 0.9 30 12TA-4-6×4 6×4 1.6 30 34TA-4-8×6 8×6 1.1 50 47TA-4-10×8 10×8 0.8 70 61TA-4-12×9 12×9 1.1 70 106TA-4-12×10 12×10 0.7 100 74TA-4-14×12 14×12 0.6 150 89TA-4-17×14 17×14 0.7 300 159TA-4-19×16 19×16 400 1790.6TA-4-24×20 24×20 500 300TA-4-25×22 25×22 0.5 600 240*Made to Order× working bending WeightType Trans Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) CWTA-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 1.1 30 33TA-1-3/8 9.53×6.99 1.1 50 71TA-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 1.1 60 118●Inch size type (Group 5) Different inner diameter from Group 1Outer diameter Max. Min. Standard co× Outer working bending WeightType Tran Inner diameter pressure radiusdiameter (g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm) CTA-5-3.18×2 3.18×2 1/8 1.5 7 10TA-5-6.35×3.96 6.35×3.96 1/4 1.7 45 42TA-5-9.53×6.35 9.53×6.35 3/8 1.5 60 86TA-5-12.7×9.53 12.70×9.53 1/2 1.1 90 120TA-5-19.1×15.9 19.10×15.9 3/4 0.6 400 186TA-5-25.4×22.2 25.40×22.2 1 0.5 600 240 Applicable fittings for Group 5 are Chemifit C1 series and Chemifit C1S series with the same outer diameter.Outer diameter Max. Min.× working bending WeightType Inner diameter pressure radius(g/m)(mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)TP-4-4×2 4×2 2.5 15 20TP-4-4×2.5 4×2.5 1.7 30 17TP-4-6×4 6×4 1.6 25 34TP-4-8×6 8×6 1.1 40 47TP-4-10×8 10×8 0.8 6160TP-4-12×9 12×9 1.1 106TP-4-12×10 12×10 0.7 90 74TP-4-14×12 14×12 0.6 150 89TP-4-21×18 21×18 0.6 500 200TP-1-3/16 4.76×3.48 20 18TP-1-1/4 6.35×4.57 30 33TP-1-5/16 7.94×5.90 1.1 40 48TP-1-3/8 9.53×6.99 50 71TP-1-1/2 12.70×9.56 60 118Outer diameter Max. Max. StCoil size (mm)Product × working stretchable Weight Coiling c Inner diameter pressure lengthnumber (g/m) direction(mm) ABC (MPa at20°C) (m) BUC-6 6×4 240 35 80UC-8 8×5 200 42 0.8 2.5 170 Right300UC-10 10×6.5 52 240Other tube colors are available on request.USC (small coil diameter type)Outer diameter Max. Max. StCoil size (mm)Product × working stretchable Weight Coiling c Inner diameter pressure lengthnumber (g/m) direction(mm) ABC (MPa at20°C) (m) BUSC-4 4×2.5 230 18 1.5 24USC-6 6×4 24 54100 0.8 LeftUSC-8 8×5 360 31 2.0 106USC-10 10×6.5 40 172Other tube colors are available on request.UMC (multi-coil type)Outer diameter Max. Max.Coil size (mm)Product Number × working stretchable Weight Standar Inner diameter pressure lengthnumber of tubes (g/m) combin(mm) ABC (MPa at20°C) (m)AUMC602 2 1.5 114B40Outer diameter Max.Product × working Min. Weight Inner diameter pressure bendingnumber (mm) (MPa at20°C) radius (g/m)AUML-402 18B10AUML-403 4×2.5 27BUML-404 36UML-406 54AUML-602 15 38B0.8AUML-603 6×4 57BUML-604 7625UML-606 114AUML-802 70B8×5 23AUML-803 105BA tube of original lenght 30M is coiled.Outer diameter Max. Max.Length ofProduct × working stretchable Inner diameter pressure coil part lengthnumber (mm) (MPa at20°C) (mm)S3/16-OR-30M 5.95× 4.76 1170 21S1/4-OR-30M 7.85× 6.35 1120 20S3/8-OR-30M 11.80× 9.53 1.2 1210 19S1/2-OR-30M 15.87×12.70 1090 18S3/4-OR-30M 22.80×19.05 690 19.5
N2-4-6×4 (Color: Choose from standard colors of N2 tube) Max. Min. MMax. CoverProduct Number of working bending alloouter diameter thickness pressure radius tensilnumber tubes (MPa at20°C) (mm)(mm) (mm)213-0602 2 16 40213-0603 3 16 40213-0604 4 20 60213-0605 5 22 60213-0607 7 22 751.6 3.0213-0608 8 25 95 1213-0610 10 28 100 1213-0612 12 28 110 1213-0614 14 31 130 1213-0619 19 34 150 1P-4-6×4 (Color: Black only) Polyethylene tube typecross- tube outer Thread L A Tube insertion D d1 sectionaProduct number Width across flatdiameter size length area2(mm) (M,R) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm )AC4-M5 4 M5×0.8 22.4 4.0 13 10.0×11.0 9.6 2.0 3.0AC4-R1/8 4 R1/8 19.4 8.0 13 10.0×11.0 9.6 2.5 4.0AC4-R1/4 4 R1/4 22.4 11.0 13 14.0×15.4 9.6 2.5 4.0AC6-M5 6 M5×0.8 24.2 4.0 15 12.0×13.0 11.7 2.0 3.5AC6-M6 6 M6×1.0 25.2 5.0 15 12.0×13.0 11.7 3.0 4.5AC6-R1/8 6 R1/8 21.2 8.0 15 12.0×13.0 11.7 4.0 10.5AC6-R1/4 6 R1/4 24.2 11.0 15 14.0×15.4 11.7 4.0 10.5AC6-R3/8 6 R3/8 25.2 12.0 15 17.0×18.5 11.7 4.0 10.5AC8-R1/8 8 R1/8 26.2 8.0 16 14.0×15.4 13.7 5.0 20.0AC8-R1/4 8 R1/4 25.2 11.0 16 14.0×15.4 13.7 6.0 25.0AC8-R3/8 8 R3/8 26.2 12.0 16 17.0×18.5 13.7 6.0 26.0AC10-R1/8 10 R1/8 30.1 8.0 19 17.0×18.5 16.7 5.0 25.0AC10-R1/4 10 R1/4 28.1 11.0 19 17.0×18.5 16.7 8.0 40.0AC10-R3/8 10 R3/8 29.1 12.0 19 17.0×18.5 16.7 8.0 40.0AC10-R1/2 10 R1/2 32.1 15.0 19 22.0×24.5 16.7 8.0 40.0AC12-R1/4 12 R1/4 34.0 11.0 20 19.0×21.0 18.6 8.0 45.0AC12-R3/8 12 R3/8 30.0 12.0 20 19.0×21.0 18.6 10.0 50.0AC12-R1/2 12 R1/2 33.0 15.0 20 22.0×24.5 18.6 10.0 50.0AC16-R3/8 16 R3/8 41.6 12.0 27 24.0×26.5 24.5 10.0 77.0AC16-R1/2 16 R1/2 43.6 15.0 27 24.0×26.5 24.5 12.0 110.5Product number tube outer Thread L A Tube insertion Width D d1 sdiameter size length across flat(mm) (M,R) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)AC4-M5A 4 M5×0.8 19.4 4.0 13 2.0 9.8 2.0AC4-R1/8A 4 R1/8 19.4 8.0 13 2.5 9.8 2.5AC6-M5A 6 M5×0.8 24.2 4.0 15 4.0 11.8 2.0AC6-R1/8A 6 R1/8 21.2 8.0 15 4.0 11.8 4.0AC6-R1/4A 6 R1/4 24.2 11.0 15 4.0 13.8 4.0AC8-R1/8A 8 R1/8 26.2 8.0 16 5.0 13.8 5.0AC8-R1/4A 8 R1/4 25.2 11.0 16 5.0 13.8 5.0AC10-R1/4A 10 R1/4 28.1 11.0 19 6.0 16.8 6.0AC10-R3/8A 10 R3/8 29.1 12.0 19 6.0 16.8 6.0
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